Recording Data and Rights Communication Protocol
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Recording Data and Rights Communication Protocol
1 Introduction
2 Organisation of the document
3 Normative references
4 Terms and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations
5 Message-by-message profile
5.1 Choreography
5.2 Server organisation
5.3 File naming conventions
5.4 Example of server organisation and file naming convention (informative)
6 Batched profile
6.1 Choreography
6.2 Batch constraints
6.3 Server organisation
6.4 File naming convention
6.5 Example of server organisation and file naming convention (informative)
7 Message definition
7.1 Message design approach
7.2 Schema Validation
7.3 Contractually mandatory
7.4 Allowed-value sets
Annex A Release notes (informative)
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4 Terms and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations