4.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this part of the RDR standard the following terms have the definitions specified in this clause.

Although the terms below are capitalised, they appear in the document in lower case, for ease of readability.


A set of files normally communicated or stored in a file system as a single unit.

Contractually Mandatory

An entity in a DDEX message that has the technical cardinality of 0-1 or 0-n but that is mandatory when a DDEX message is sent in a specific commercial context.

Contractually Mandatory fields may, however, be mandatory when a DDEX message is sent in a specific commercial context. In such circumstances, a message is deemed conformant only if and when it contains all the “contractually mandatory” fields as agreed by the sender and the recipient of the message.


An XML message or TSV file signifying the delivery of a batch.

Message Recipient

A party that receives a message created in accordance with this part of the RDR standard from a message sender.

Message Sender

A party that sends a message created in accordance with this part of the RDR standard to a message recipient.


The concept of ensuring that a party cannot repudiate, or refute, the sending or receiving of a message.