6.4 File naming convention

The file name of the ManifestMessage for each batch shall be the string BatchComplete_ followed by the BatchId (as defined above) and the .xml file extension

Each message sent in the batch shall be named as follows: MMMM_SSSSS.xml with

  • MMMM being either

    1. the name (root tag) of the message for XML messages,

    2. RevenueReport, RevenueSummary or RevenueDetails for the TSV file reporting messages, or

    3. RightsClaimConflictNotification or RightsClaimConflictResponse for TSV messages for the handling of rights claim conflicts; and

  • SSSSS being a zero padded serial number within that batch.

The file name of the RdrAcknowledgementMessage for each batch shall be the string ACK_, followed by the BatchId of the batch that is being acknowledged. The file shall have an .xml file extension.