6.1 Choreography

This clause defines the method by which a company can provide batches of messages defined in Part 2, Part 3 or Part 4 of the RDR standard to a business partner via (i) cloud-based storage server (such as an SFTP server) that is hosted by the message sender, (ii) a cloud-based storage server that is hosted by the message recipient or (iii) a cloud-based storage server that is hosted by a third party.

This specification does not therefore define on whose hardware the files are being stored. This is for the message sender and the message recipient to agree.

The batched profile may only be used when exchanging XML-formatted messages. The choreography of the batched profile is as depicted in Figure 2 below:


Figure 2: Choreography of the batched profile

The trigger to indicate that a batch is complete is a ManifestMessage as defined in Clause 7 of this part of the RDR standard.

The RdrAcknowledgementMessage is also defined in Clause 7.

The organisation of the server and the file naming convention for the batched profile are defined in Clauses 6.3 and 6.4 and an example provided in Clause 6.5 below.

This part of the RDR standard does not define when the message sender shall start or finish uploading messages. Equally, this part of the RDR standard does not define when the message recipient shall start or finish the download of the messages in the batch.

The recipient of the RdrAcknowledgementMessage may remove an RdrAcknowledgementMessage from the cloud-based storage server after an appropriate and mutually agreed period of time. The default period is one month.