5.3 File naming conventions

To ensure sequential processing, a message is identified by its type and date and time of its creation in the form TTTT_YYYYMMDDhhmmssuuunnn with

  • TTTT being either

    1. the name(root tag) of the message for XML messages such as the ones defined in RDR-N,

    2. RevenueReport, RevenueSummary or RevenueDetails for TSV reporting messages such as the ones defined in RDR-R, or

    3. RightsClaimConflictNotification or RightsClaimConflictResponse for TSV messages for the handling of rights claim conflicts;

  • YYYY being the year of message creation;

  • MM being the month of message creation;

  • DD being the day of message creation;

  • hh being the hour of message creation;

  • mm being the minute of message creation;

  • ss being the second of message creation;

  • uuu being the millisecond of message creation; and

  • nnn being the nanosecond of message creation.

The file name of the RdrAcknowledgementMessage for each message shall be the string ACK_, followed by the name of the message that is being acknowledged.